Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Playlist update

I wish this showed an enormous improvement in the last list...but then I also wish for world peace, an acre of land and more time to knit and we can't always get what we want.

Pretty much totally dotless
  • Atholl Highlanders (which I hardly ever play these days)
  • Banks of Allen
  • Barren Rocks
  • My Home Town
  • Castle Dangerous
  • Bonnie Galloway
  • The Rowan Tree
  • Teribus

Stuff I am learning
  • Leaving Barra (I almost knew this at one stage, but never seem to play it)
  • The March of the King of Laoise
  • Flett from Flotta (I think I half knew this, but haven't played it in an age)

Stuff I want to learn
  • Heights of Casino
  • A Boy's Lament for his Dragon

This last section is actually more accurately "stuff I want to learn, which I've got the dots for, and have probably tried once or twice, but don't seem to have got very far with." Some tunes seem very nice, but somehow the attraction wears off very quickly. Some tunes just seem, on the first run through, so fiendishly difficult that it doesn't seem worth trying. Other tunes I've heard and want to play one day, but haven't even looked for the dots, or have looked and not found.

Am also trying to add labels to this post. Hopefully can eventually get organised and label all posts to help me find a refer back to older items. Especially useful when I want to listen to a recording.

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