Thursday, 3 April 2014

Blast from the past

It has only just occurred to me that I still have old clips on my web cam of me playing short items on my chanter, and that Chirbit supports wmv files. I found someone online - through The Session, I think, who said he'd comment on my technique, and I made a few short video clips for him. All I remember him saying was that I wasn't ready to play Scotland the Brave and should try Scots Wha Hae instead.

I loathe Scots Wha Hae. It's enough to put anyone off for life. I have a history of loathing the tunes in beginners' books and racing to the back of the books to find something I know and like and actually want to play. It may not be the official way to learn, but I think it challenges and stretches and makes you a better player and keeps you interested.

Anyway, the point of this is to demonstrate progress. The clip is March 2011, just over three years ago. It was before I even had Morag, before I had ever held a set of pipes, before I really started to become a piper. My playing is reasonably even, but s-l-o-w. The grace notes are all there - every one as laid out in the dots in The Piper's Delight - and clunky beyond belief. It's like looking at childhood photos and thinking, can that really be me?

Check this out on Chirbit

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