Thursday 1 September 2016

Signs and portents

I’ve got a bird feeder just outside the kitchen window. It doesn’t often get used while I am in the kitchen: our local bird population seems to be rather wary, although the robin and blackbird will eat if I stay reasonable still. The doves are a different matter. They seem to make a point of looking into the kitchen to see me. I imagine they are trying to catch my attention to encourage me to bring food out: they look at the empty tray and cock their heads at me. If I do have something to take out for them I often hear a “coo!” as I walk up to the feeder, which always sounds to me like a “here she comes!”

Once a dove could barely wait until I was out of the way and in her excitement (I always seem to assume that doves are female) she almost flew into me. I’m not sure which of us was more surprised. When I get back into the kitchen the doves will be picking over the food, throwing the larger pieces onto the floor. They will catch my eye, and I feel as though they are thanking me for their dinner.

Yesterday I picked up my pipes. I’d been humming Flanders all day and was sure I could play it. I couldn’t identify the opening note and by the time I’d got it wrong two or three times I’d lost the tune entirely, so swung into a nice rendering of Perth instead. After that I began on what I thought was St Valery. The A part went well, but the B part felt all funny and fizzled out. I struck up the A part again – and that was the moment I realised that I was playing Flanders, not Valery at all. Often when I confuse two tunes it seems a good sign that they might go together, so once I’d gone through Flanders a few times I went straight into St Valery, and that seemed to work very well. I’d been looking for a partner for St Valery, so am glad to have found one – it’s just a shame that Flanders already had a partner in Perth. I suppose they could make a threesome, but that would be a rather lengthy set. I will have to see.

And is this sudden garrulousness a sign that I was wrong to think this blog has outgrown its use? We shall see… 

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