Wednesday 29 April 2015

The baby and the bathwater

I have noticed that some people, having failed in part to do something, then go ahead and sabotage the rest of it. Like being ravenously hungry on a diet, eating a biscuit, deciding your diet is thereby ruined, and therefore having the rest of the packet, some cake, and three large glasses of wine.

I thought about this yesterday. On Monday I played, the first time in ages, it seems. I thought about playing daily. Then yesterday I skipped down to the plot for 15 minutes and came back...well...quite a lot more than 15 minutes later, and only just in time to cook dinner hurriedly, and with no time at all to pipe. So I blew (no pun intended) my attempt to play daily on day two...and for half a second I nearly threw the towel in. Then I thought that with the plot season being upon us perhaps three times a week would be more realistic.

The fan was late home this evening, so I played for a while before he got in. He mentioned that we'd not played together for a while, which is mostly down to his work commitments. We agreed to play this evening. It was a brief half hour, but fun. It reminded me that I shouldn't give up on drones...and that makes me think I should bite the bullet and get the A chanter out.

Each time I play I work steadily through Father John, Troy  and Braemar. Still trying to improve speed. Still having problems with getting really comfortable with bellows.  Still feel as though I am getting nowhere, like my aubergine, pepper and tomato seedlings which I swear haven't grown one millimetre for at least a month. If I was feeling rash I'd throw them all on the compost and rush out and buy plants instead...

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