Wednesday 17 February 2016

Too much information

I listen to lots of CDs. Various tunes sound familiar, but where do I know them from? I know at least Jackie Coleman's from Skipinnish's Irish set, but does the fan play it, or it it a Sea Stallions tune? Siuthadaibh, bhalacha sounds as though it might be on one of Mr MacInnes's CDs, but not by that name. Mr Gillies mentions the Currie brothers ("one of the most notable piping families in Cape Breton of tbe 1930s and '40s"), and these are surely related to the Currie Cousins who give the name to a set on Piob is Fidheall. Then there is Michael Grey, whose name is familiar, although I am sure I've not come across  John MacLean, and perhaps I even know the name out of a  piping context. (But, no, it's this MG I have come across recently in relation to a pipe tune - but which?)

I get as far as The Earl of Seaforth's Salute, at which point everything else ceases to matter: like Bach cello suites it draws you in, binds you down, forces you to concentrate, causes you not to exist beyond a heart that hears the music. Where have all these tunes come from? Where do I know then from? I don't care. As long at this pibroch plays I don't care about anything much at all, just the music.

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