Wednesday 2 October 2013

Random notes

Home late and tired from work today, and the fan was due home even later, so I got dinner on and whipped the Monkey out. Back to D - got my thumb angled badly, but otherwise fine. I've discovered that if I'm tired, provided I can push on through the first 30 minutes, I get through the tiredness and can keep going - just over an hour today, pretty much non stop.

I'm wondering about putting Flett with the Whaling Song as a set.

Played Brose again today - first part almost by heart already. Second part taking longer because I'm not totally sure about the timing.

The A part of Castle Grant starting to come by heart. Well - it's all starting to come, but I'm going to concentrate on the A part.

Troy very nearly there - speed is good, but accuracy still patchy.

The Snuff Wife is hopeless: one of those where I can't even start to play something that sounds even faintly recognisable. It's as if I've longed to get a copy of a Tennyson poem, finally have it, but when I read it out slowly I discover it's actually something by John Hegley....

I'm listening to the Pipers' Society Recital again in the car and am being annoyed by the tendency of all the pipers to go into some random notes at the end of each piece. I assume it's to do with having air left in the bag, but it's irritating in the extreme. It destroys the mood of a tune and isn't great to listen to. To go back to poetry it's as if someone read out a poem and then decided to read half a page of the phone book after it.

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