Monday 30 September 2013

Size matters

I sat on the sofa the other evening working on my latest knitting project which calls for me to switch back and forth between needle sizes. It's not a huge jump, only 2mm difference, but each time it takes me a moment or two and maybe a few stitches to get the tension sorted and get back into my rhythm.

Yes, that's right, after well over 30 years of knitting it still takes me a moment or two to adjust between needle sizes. This is pattern is unusual in switching between needles. Normally you might start with a smaller set and move on to a slightly larger set. More often I'll move between say, the cardigan I have stuck in my work bag (4.5mm needles) and a pair of socks (2.75mm) and when I make the switch it always feels odd, as if my hands are the wrong size, but after a moment or two everything feels comfortable again.

Which is all by way of saying that really it's not surprising that it takes me, after less than 6 months of having combination pipes, a tune or two to adjust to a change of chanter size. Today I moved up to A. The Rowan Tree went well. I got stuck on the King, and after going round a bit moved on to Galloway and the Farewell, both of which were fine, so I think in the end it was the King that was more of a problem than the actual chanter.

Today's play means that, apart from the day when I was in Glasgow, I have played every day this month, plus a bit, as I played for 8 out of 9 days running up to the month. And I do feel as though I've improved again, and I don't much feel like I need a break from it.

I've been humming the Somme recently (I've been listening to Mr MacLeod) and I should try to revive that. I was having problems with the transition from the B part back to the A, so haven't played it much. I am working on Brose and Butter. Troy's Wedding is close. I've been listening to The Big Spree and Tryst lately, and both feature The Snuff Wife. I rather fancy giving that one a try.

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