Friday, 30 November 2012

Not Tonight, Josephine

First posted Apr 23rd, 2012 by newpiper

I wasn't going to post tonight - I wasn't going to play tonight. I have not had a good day and tired and grouchy pretty much covers my mood when I got home. However, after dinner and a glass of wine I started feeling more cheerful and less tired and thought perhaps I'd get the whistle out. Problem is my laptop isn't happy with the internet this evening and virtual Kirsten is all out of synch. You cannot follow a tune from someone whose fingers are half a beat behind the sound. So I fiddled about and spent money on Amazon, and decided to look for dots for the Heights of Cassino

I've been trying to get my ear back to Scottish music and so I've been listening to Smalltalk. Cassino's a lovely tune - really upbeat and light. Not played on pipes on the disk, but it's a pipe tune, of course. The Session has dots, barely legible (what do they do to their dots? This set looks as though someone left them in a the pocket of a pair of trews that went in the wash) so I've found a recording on YouTube to help me with the way the tune sounds. I'm pleased with it - recognisable, at least.

In other news, before I decided to try Cassino I warbled about and found I can play a bit of That Tune sans dots, and I know enough to know that it's not the very first bit, it's the first repeat. I know, I know, it's very small fry, but heavens, I'm pleased about it.

Oh, Ok. Look. I'm posting That Tune, but this is NOT my definitive best shot. This is me reassuring myself that the playing I did at the weekend wasn't as dire as I thought. I have two versions of this. In the one I'm posting I make a heap of mistakes, plus I abandon not even half way through. The other version is technically more accurate but sounds as though I'm wading through treacle. This version has the tempo and the spirit of the tune more - it trips and skips along where the other version trudged and dragged its feet and whined a lot about how tired it felt.

See - and now it's bed time and I didn't get time to do the ironing. What a shame!

Recording - the Halsway Schottische. Lost.

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