The neighbours have gone again. They only pass through for a week or so a couple of times a year. They know we are musicians. We've asked and asked and they are quite clear. Mostly they can't hear us at all, and when they can they enjoy it. Still, when I am playing and I know they are there I always imaging throwing down the TV remote and stamping downstairs to demand that I take my pipes and stick them... I have to remember that they have gone, that creaks are the floorboards settling, not the precursor to a confrontation.
I've lost a few pounds at some stage, and maybe the leather of the straps has loosened, too, but I have to take care when strapping myself in. Today it was all too loose and I ended up with a sore thumb because I was tensing fingers on the chanter to support the drooping bellows. I can fidget things round a bit while I play, but sometimes really need to stop and sort things properly before I go on.
I'm enjoying the Pickle Tow and the Cudgel, although I am having to call out "one-two-three, one-two-three" as I play to get the timing right. I've settled on the version of the Pickle with more notes, but rather missed the high A's in the opening bard of the B part. So I decided to play the B as written first time round, and second time to swap the low A's for high A's. It's sounding good. Recording to follow soon, sometime, eventually.
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