Monday, 30 June 2014

The best of times, the worst of times

In some ways this was a really bad month to choose to play every day. To add to the expected busy period at work I had some stuff that can crop up at any time and of course would  choose the busy period in which to appear, plus something big and totally unexpected and very time consuming also appeared. This means I've been tired, cross, headachy and stressed out and the last thing I've needed when I got home has been more stuff to do.

It’s also peak allotment season with courgettes needing to be harvested every other day, sweet peas ditto, and things needing to be watered  most days.

On the positive side the piping has proved a huge stress release at the end of the day, providing I've not been too tired. The fan’s workload starts to ease off a little this month so he’s been more able to step in and do some cooking. The plot really only need s attention every other day. And the knitting season is dead on its feet: just one paltry pair of socks started in April and finished this weekend. Normally that’s maybe two weeks’ worth of knitting at most. 

I've started another project, but it will take no time at all to do. This is partly driven by a deadline (it’s for a forthcoming baby and has to be handed over before the mother-to-be leaves work) and partly just by the fun of it: one of my favourite things to knit and takes no time at all.

As ever when I get to the end of a month of intense playing I feel a mix of relief and regret. The relief is that I will have time to do other things, and that I will be able to choose when to play rather than feeling it’s another target for the day. Regret because I will miss playing every day, and because I never do as much, learn as much, improve as much as I hope to during these months. 

There will be others – am penciling in September.

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