Monday 18 February 2013

Pipes in the morning

The fan persuaded me to play this morning. He's a big fan or morning practice: you're fresher, less tired. It makes sense, but I'm very much a chores first, games after sort of a person, and even when there are no pressing chores habit rather kicks in.

It does seem to make a difference: I'm physically less tired and seem to concentrate on tunes better. I'm a morning person anyway, so it's hardly surprising.

I've forgotten to record again. I play through the Barren Rocks, with dots, slowly. The fan says that's the speed I used to play at. It does seem painfully s-l-o-o-o-w. It doesn't even seem that much more accurate - although the dots are under my nose I'm only reading them when I get stuck, and being so slow spoils the rhythm.

So, the Eagle, the King (coming on well), the Rowan Tree, Barren Rocks, Bonnie Galloway. Also Flett from Flotta, with dots, because I never learned it without, and actually it's a nice little tune, but what could it go with? I try running from Galloway into Teribus, only to realise I am actually playing Castle Dangerous instead, and this realisation, along with catching the chanter on my knee and blocking it brings me to a halt. I need to try both properly - there must be a reason why my brain wanted to slide from Galloway to the Castle.

Also had a brief go at the tune the fan brought me: Kantara to El Arish. The timing is fiddly and it's the sort of tune I need to hear and know before I'll be able to play it properly. I am sure YouTube will have someone somewhere playing it.


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