Saturday, 2 February 2013

Something is rotten

OK - not actually rotten, but indefinably not quite right. Specifically my drones feel all wrong - as though they're not getting enough air through. Too much pressure in the system and not enough outlet. I don't know if that's down to having the drones blocked yesterday (when I dither over notes when trying to pick my way through a tune they wheeze and wail and put me off, so I shut them up) or the dehumidifier we've just bought to deal with the condensation (unwanted side effect of living in a Victorian property...although I think it's generally the damp atmosphere that the UK generally labours under). I've had this problem before, so it's probably just me, and I am sure it will go again.

I did try the Eagle again, and it's OK. The first half of the B parts - the higher section - feels too short. It all needs embellishment. I'm also struggling to do the second half of the B parts, which is ridiculous as they are the same as the second half of the A parts. But I am enjoying picking out a tune, not having to shed dots, but pulling the tune out of the air without dots. I want to do it with more tunes. I listened to Ossian recently and wondered about trying to pick out The New House in St Peter's.

Have also played Leaving Barra, Bonnie Galloway, My Home Town, Teribus and The Rowan Tree, which is my go to tune - the one I can most comfortably and reliably play, replacing My Home Town, which sometimes trips me up (why?) I can sit and play for quite a while and not have to get any dots out at all. I did need dots for Barra - I should play it more and shift it on to my dotless list.

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