Saturday 4 January 2014

Don't I know you?

I woke up this morning with bits of a tune going round in my head. I couldn't identify it, but I could "hear" it well enough to be able to hum it, so I wondered whether I might be able to pick it out on the chanter. I started and felt I got reasonably close, then I remembered what I thought might be an earlier part of the same tune, and felt more confident that I had got that. I was feeling slightly smug, when I remembered that the tune was The Glasgow Gaelic Club and as I've been playing it for three days I ought to be able to pick it out. When I got the dots out I discovered I had the shape about right, but hadn't quite got the right notes.

I was so pleased that I spent some time listening to the Club and other tunes on Tryst and then playing them over on the chanter, stopping to fiddle with timing or accuracy, trying out grace notes (and heavens, but I'm rusty with gracing).

The upshot is that on top of yesterday's excitement of getting Murray so quickly I've now got the whole of the Club by heart! To be fair, they are both very short tunes. I played Murray with the Rocks and they sound good together. The Club, rather like the Dragon, is a nice tune, but definitely feels as though it needs to sit with something else. It goes perfectly with the tune I began with this morning - Duncan McGillivray, Chief Steward - but sadly I don't have the dots for that.

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