Thursday 6 June 2013

Day 6

Time played: About an hour in total, but some of that spent dotting in and out of kitchen to get dinner ready an hour earlier than was needed, thanks to misunderstanding between me and the fan as to what time to expect him home this evening.

Tunes played: Whaling (so close to having this by heart. Played it over and over); Rocks (fast and furious); Teribus (briefly);  Alick (I do like this - as yesterday, all four parts once each and then the whole thing again. Interesting how different gracing changes the feel - accidentally swiped down to G between thee As in the C part instead of the usual GDE and it sounds very different); Whistle (first time in ages - I think not having the dots to remind me that I know it I rely on my fingers to find it when I am just playing around); King (still not perfect, but I have realised that the bits I like and know and therefore play fast I am playing too fast and have lost the skippety beat, which I've now reinstated, and it sounds much better.)

Instrument: Monkey in D

Foot tapping: Negligible. I keep forgetting and was too wrapped up in the music today.

Recording: Still waiting for instructions and must get that sorted this weekend.

Notes: As mentioned I dotted in and out of the kitchen as I played. Began with drones, all went well. Took the drones off to try Alick then the King. Everything felt comfortable, soft and relaxed, hardly aware of needing to use the bellows. Put the drones back on for the King, went out to the kitchen, came back and couldn't find that comfort again: drones seemed out of tune and too loud, air pressure all wrong, so I flipped them off (how I love the drone switch!!) and fell back into my comfortable space. I also love the ring on the bellows arm strap, it makes it very easy to do up and undo, which means that when I stop I can just free up my arm instead of, as I do with Morag, removing my bellows entirely. It makes it easier to sit and relax in sessions and then faster to snap the bellows back and get going.

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