Wednesday 26 June 2013

Short and sweet

I've had The Battle of the Somme going round my head all day again today...and when I got home and started the fan rushed in to point out that I was playing the wrong timing, again. Sorted myself out and played it round and round, but somehow couldn't quite get it without dots today. Not totally sure I've got the timing of the second bar of the B part right just yet - I'm aware that I am adjusting my foot tapping at that point.

I've been thinking that one reason the short tunes are coming along faster is that I tend to play AA BB AA BB and then probably do it again, and, if I'm on a roll, do it some more times, just for fun. The longer tunes I'm playing AB, or ABCD for the four parters, maybe repeating once, and then moving on. I must persevere with them: it's not as if I don't have the stamina. Gave the Fiddler a go, round and round, slow, to get the notes right.

However, my bellows elbow a little tired this evening, and my hands a little cold so I'm not closing fingers down cleanly on the chanter, so after 15 minutes I felt I'd made my point about playing every day, but clearly need a rest, so I stopped.

Monkey in D, with and without drones, but mostly without and I should get back to having them because presumably the drone reeds need playing in just as much as the chanter reeds.

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