Sunday 6 September 2015

Touch not the cat

I started the day well with an hour down the plot, a pile of ironing, some handwashing of clothes I've been putting off, making bread for the week, and slinging some clothes in the washing machine, but then I made the mistake sitting down to read for ten minutes. It's not great literature, but you don't, as I know from experience, sit down with a Mary Stewart novel unless you have no plans at all for the day. Luckily the fan decided to do some hoovering, which was annoying enough to persuade me to leave to sofa, so I crawled off to play some music.

The full set again today. Braemar had one or two bits that needed thought, Troy I resorted to dots as the middle section of the fourth part escapes me. I tend to play the first phrase, then the last, at which point I can do the third, but the 2nd not at all...

Ocean I thought was going to elude me entirely but eventually came back. First part of Sleat was there, and half the second part. Third part needs lots of work. Father John's boat trip took him to Nova Scotia today as I tagged the Cabot Trail on to the end: a second potential 3 tune set. Heroes seem to be preferring Heights to Highlanders .

As for the bellows, it started OK but got harder to play as I went on. Still, I enjoy it all the same. Just the bathroom to clean and dinner to cook, but I might just peek at my book first...

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