Monday, 3 December 2012

Banks of Allen Take 5

First posted Sep 16th, 2012 by newpiper

My goal at the moment is to play a tune twice through, dotless, and without mistakes. The Banks of Allen will be the first there, I think. My Home Town isn't that far behind. The fan has done some covert recording, which sounds okayish - but it's on his phone and there doesn't seem to be a way to transfer it t the PC in a way I can upload it here. So I've picked one of three awful attempts made at the end of today's session, when I was tired.

I've had a tune in my head these last weeks and managed to pick it out on the pipes today. It feels like a B part, because it resolves down to A at the end, and it feels like a pipe tune just because the fingering is nice and easy. But what the tune is, I know not, and neither does the fan. I sat and listened to Time and Tide as I've had that on in the car of late and can't fully concentrate on music when I'm driving, so thought perhaps I had absorbed it from there. The fan is inclined to think that either it's something I've made up, or it's a complete hash of Mr and Mrs Maclean of Snaigow. I think it's the latter. Either way, I guess it's something to be able to pick a tune out on the pipes like that.

Recording - The Banks of Allen. Status - lost.

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