Monday, 3 December 2012

Sunny Day Blues

First posted May 23rd, 2012 by newpiper

I passed a dead cat on my way to work this morning and it rather put the kibosh on my day, so that despite the glorious weather I've not felt at all cheerful. I thought perhaps some music would cheer me up, but it only made things worse. I feel I am stuck in a bit of a downward spiral. I don't practice for a while...I pick up the pipes and am rusty... I'm unhappy with my playing so I don't feel inclined to play again...when I pick them up again I am even rustier...things go badly...repeat. I must practice more.

The fan says I'm sounding fluent. Unfortunately I'm not hitting the right notes. The Highlanders are infuriating because I know three parts by heart and as soon as I speed up my fingers run ahead and I hit wrong notes. I tried That Tune and kept losing the place for my bottom hand, a problem I've only ever had playing this tune, oddly. Recording is of the Highlanders again - it's a mess but a reasonable speed.

One thing that is getting better is stopping. The answer is not to leave the bag to run down towards the end, but to end with a fullish bag so I can hit a good, firm, longish final note and then just cut by taking my arm smartly away, avoiding any hissing, mooing or sighing sounds. Having said that I manage an odd squeak on this recording, and I still can't start cleanly for toffee.

The fan says I ought not to write another suicidally dismal post. So on a happier note I can confirm that several seedlings in the greenhouse have been persuaded to sprout by this warmer weather. Let's not mention the fact that I didn't label the pots, relying on position to remind me what they were, and then rearranged them while watering one day so have no idea which are what....

Recording - Atholl Highlanders. Status: lost.

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