Monday, 3 December 2012

Three Things I Learned Today

First posted May 31st, 2012 by newpiper

1. You can't play pipes straight after dinner. The bellows strap sits right on top of your dinner in a gastric band type set-up - not comfortable.

2. You need to warm up - the best doesn't happen in the first 15 minutes or so.

3. Parts three and four of the Highlanders. Technically I already knew part three. I'd learned from dots and somehow it didn't sound right - and certainly wasn't what the fan was playing when he decided to accompany me this evening. He has told me that I should go with the tune as I hear it in preference to dots, but I still trust dots more. He played, I listened, he played, I asked for names of notes, he played, I played. And that was it! I learned part of tune in the proper oral/aural style.

The fan says I look relaxed with my pipes, and also that I am getting better. I point out that when you start at rock bottom it is only possible to go up (or bump along the bottom forever - but let's not, as they say, even go there). And I have still only been playing six months.

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